v22.7 (2022-08-16)#


Device configuration name#

Device tables now have a column option to show the configuration name the device is associated to. This includes lists of devices for notifications, sites, vigs, and others:

Configuration Name


Users can filter devices by their configuration name in the filter toolbar:

Configuration Name Filter


Note: For DAL devices, you may see the name as Individual. This is the name of the individual configuration the device is associated with, and it inherits from a group in the device organization. Users must click on the device to view the group association.

Cellular details tab#

Device Details table for Cellular devices has been optimised for more efficient use of space. Cellular device details are now displayed in multiple columns - similar to the display of Gateway Device Details

Cellular Details Improvements


VPN GW WAN Toggle Command#

The action and interface of the VPN Gateway WAN toggle command are now included in the events generated by the attempt and result:

VPN GW WAN Toggle Command


Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed issue that prevented VPN GW manual probe failure events from being shown

  • Fixed issue that always set DAL heartbeats to 2 hours, regardless of configuration. ARMT now correctly sets DAL heartbeat expirations based on the frequency and grace periods set in the configuration.

  • Fixed DAL location lookups for addresses entered in the UI